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How does a loan modification work ?Who hasn't heard the question yet, how does a loan modification work ? Well, there are a few answers depending on your situation, but here is a general process that applies to most cases. The Borrower Requests the ModificationLoan modifications for mortgage loans used to be a quick way for borrowers to request a lower interest rate without going through a complete refinance process with lots of application paperwork and a long approval process. Not all mortgage companies offered loan modifications, and those that did offered them for a fee -- and even that usually only to borrowers who had mortgages that hadn't already been packaged and sold to another company.As we all know from recent publicity, mortgage loan modifications have become much more common as lenders try to find creative ways to assist struggling homeowners in keeping their homes instead of falling into foreclosure. Modifications used to merely lower the interest rate, but the newer version offered by some lenders can switch an adjustable-rate mortgage into a fixed rate, which can save you a large amount of money over the years. Lenders might suggest this as an option to homeowners, but more often than not it is the borrower who requests a home mortgage loan modification when it becomes obvious that the current loan is not manageable anymore (usually through loss of job or reduced family income). Loan modification requests, especially the ones based on a hardship, are complemented by a hardship letter. The Lender Considers the RequestMortgage lenders do not have to automatically approve a request for a home loan modification. Many lenders have stringent guidelines regarding who can be approved for a modification and who cannot -- even if the homeowner is facing foreclosure. Keep in mind that these programs were originally designed to assist homeowners in avoiding the fees associated with refinancing for a lower interest rate. They were not originally designed to bail out homeowners with unmanageable payments and soaring adjustable interest rates. Every lender sets its own standards for which mortgage loan modifications are approved and which requests are denied.
The Modification is Approved or DeniedAfter the loan company makes the decision whether to approve or deny the modification request, the borrower is notified of the decision. Borrowers whose requests are denied are told why the request was denied, whether it's because the borrower has consistently been delinquent with mortgage payments or the lender no longer holds the loan or some other reason. If the modification request is approved, the request is sent through to the loan servicing department and the loan is modified. Most often, a modification involves simply lowering the interest rate without changing the amortization of the loan, but different lenders offer different modification programs. Modifications can take a few payment periods before they go into effect, so it is important that borrowers continue to make payments as scheduled.Learn more about 'how does a loan modification work' by browsing our site and reading the links in the navigation pane on the left. Ways to ask for a loan modificationYou can utilize loan modification companiesor do-it-yourself. Go back to Top of this How does a loan modification work page